Grand Slam 3
Grand Slam 3.iso
< prev
Text File
1,166 lines
From nothing to version 1.24ß
Codes :
! = Was never available
ß = Beta Testers only
+ = Added
- = Removed
/ = Fixed
ß 0.01ß Made the basic idea...
! 0.02ß Changed the FILES.BBS into the Ra
2.x-FileBase System
! 0.03ß - Removed the status bar
Fixed many bugs like :
/ = Removed enter's in filedescriptions
/ = Removed a bug into the file-viewing part
/ = Added twice as much error checking
+ = Added keyword searching (UNdocumented)
+ = Made the basic idea of the setup-program
! 0.04ß - Erased 'the basic idea of the setup-program' :-)
+ Added the documentation of the keyword searching ;-)
+ Added a memory swapper ..
+ Changed the memory swapper to a one with EMS.. (And XMS and DISK)
ß 0.10ß + Added features :
- Information : Gives some info about the things listed
- Program : Gives some info about this program
- Last Page : Go to the last page, isn't possible while
keyword searching/new-files searching
- KeyWordSearching : Added a better working keyword searching
- Tagging : Added a better tagging
- Backscroll : Will backscroll one page
(Same rules als last-page!)
- FirstPage : Will go to the firstpage
- WildCardSearching : Added wild card searching
- Added New-Files : Added new-files scanner, (Great!) :-)
- Made a basic setup program
And removed so much bugs i can't count it anymore :-)
1.12ß / Re-Engineerd the new-files scanner (A whole
lot faster!)
/ Re-Engineerd the keyword searcher (Had time
too much time ;-))
+ Doubled the settings in the setup program
+ Made twice as much prompts in the language
+ Made multiple config files
!1.13ß + Expanded the description lines to 8, (Thanx
to nagging of Jan :-)
+ I must recreate the filetagger because he
doesn't suit the needs anymore..
+ Changed the keyword searcher so he will
look for 8 lines a text
+ Changed the keyword + New-files scanner
so they will display too 8 lines
+ Fixed a bug that made that you get a log
file of :
> 13-Mar 17:10:26 RA01 FileList: FileList initializing.
> 13-Mar 17:10:26 RA01 FileList: Using C:\LIST\NEDERLA.CFG for config.
> 13-Mar 17:10:26 RA01 FileList: **UNREGISTERED** Evaluation copy
> 13-Mar 17:18:45 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:46 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:47 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:48 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:49 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:50 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:51 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
> 13-Mar 17:18:52 RA01 FileList: NewFiles scan activated.
! 1.14ß + Fixed some bugs in 0.13ß en spread this one
to the beta-testers!
+ The tag system dind't work fine when
listing a half listing
+ Fixed a bug that will continue give a
runtime error when redrawing the screen!
! 1.16ß - Removed temporarly the view-option, the
ARJ-Viewer didn't suit my needs and it took
too much memory
+ Added the "Upload" option while keyword
searching! (Thanks to Jan Ambachtsheer!)
+ Fixed some (cosmetic) bugs into the cfg-file
! 1.17ß + Damn!, I forgot to took out of the
debug-log :-(
Also the 'Expand' function wasn't supported
in the language so it was a 'unknown bug' :-)
The Expand function would only work on one
file, (RA_200.ARJ) ;)
Changed the expand function, you must now
'mark' the file for expanding with the
cursor's, the same with viewing (what is
currently not supported!)
+ Changed the FileCFG again, again some
beauty bugs, changed the total layout of
the config-files
+ First FileList will ask for new-files
before drawing the whole window (idea of Leon
1.20ß + 'Expanded' the expanded function again :-)
+ Added 10 more prompts to the languag editor
+ Added more color support
1.22ß + Expanded the memory use of FileList :-(((
+ Optimized the TOTAL code of FileList,
removed 300 lines of duplicate code
+ Rewritten the keyword procedure (Faster,
cleaner etc!)
+ Uses the idea/complain of Jan Ambachtsheer,
when a user would search for a key (or
new-files scan), they where on a half old
and a half new screen.
I wrote a verry fast procedure to clear
the screen, this function is temporarly,
when it seems to be TO slow on a 2400 Bps,
i will remove the function again.
+ Fixed a bug when you where on the last
page, and you try to do one of the
scroll-things, FileList would stop!
+ Added stopping of searching, when a users
press "S" while keyword searching or newfiles
scanning, FileList wil directly stop!
1.24ß + Added prompt 'No file-comment
available', before this, FileList would
make a total mess of the description field!
+ Added prompt 'There are no files for
tagging", before this FileList would go
totally crazy when there where no files
for tagging, Fixed!
+ Changed the "S" for stopping to "S"top
filelisting, if you have defined the "Q" for
stop, the user must press "Q" !
+ Reduced the memory again (I hope this will
work for a long while!)
+ Rewritten the backscrollprocedure,
wouldn't always work, now it does always work
+ Rewritten ALL of the scrolling stuff, when
I changed the keyword searching (1.22ß),
I also made it impossible to backscroll
when normal listing (It sounds strange
because you cannot backscroll when keyword
searching, but the use al the same routine
for displaying/reading the files!)
+ Fixed a lot of bugs , like not restoring
the statusline back when he has displayed
on the 23st en 24st line!
+ If you have registered (the beta
testers), Filelist will not display again
statusline 8, (Thanks for registering etc
etc), but will display just the current
line, if you haven't registered, FileList
wil change the default line to 8 (Please
register filelist ...)
+ Searching for valentires, who will write a
standard Dutch language-config for me?? :-)
+ If TBSCAN will give a HUERISTIC alarm :
THAT'S FAKE!, that's because i'm using a
executable packer, and TBSCAN will react
on those codes!
1.24-ß1 + FINALLY! fixed the bug of not viewing the
download time right, now he wil display
a time like "57:12" or so ..? (And first
he display a time like "12.79") :-(
+ You can change now, OR Byte's displaying,
OR time displaying!!
+ Fixed a little bug in the very SLOW
expanding function
+ Made the expanding 2 times as fast
+ If you test FileList with a local logon
you see the download time as "00:00" this
is ** NOT ** a bug!
+ Added the way of FileName displaying you
can display on 3 way's :
"Ra_201.Arj" => Propercase
"RA_201.ARJ" => Upcase
"ra_201.arj" => lowcase
- Removed the executing swapper, the routine
itselfs used more memory then he could
swap :-)
+ Today, (03-26-94) I rewrote most of the
code, now i use only the RADU -unit
(Of Hans Siemons), for communication,
the rest, I wrote myself (Phew, it had
take me all day!)
+ Now you can fill in a password for acces to
1.24-ß2 + Build in a memory swapper again, this one
is great, it will swap to EMS/XMS/DISK and
only activates when YOU fill in "*M"
+ Changed some of the standard settings in
+ A user can now define how much day's
FileList must search back!
Because of this option FileList-new-files
scan is temporarly VERY slow!
1.24-ß3 + I have rewritten the new-files scan part
totally, it is much faster now (Faster then
the first one!)
+ Changed the ConfigProgram for an extra
+ The External editor for keys is copyd
into the language-editor!
+ When a user would press [ENTER] when
FileList ask for searching a x day's back
FileList would search, Fixed!
+ Sometimes Filelist would display strange
things by input routines, Fixed!
1.24-ß4 + When you run FileCFG-Unregistered, you
get a message about SHAREWARE, else not.
+ Now Filelist wil only search in an area if
the security level allows it,
(LIST-Security!), or it wil just not
display them!
+ If you give as parameter "/GROUP" filelist
wil only search in the current group.
1.25-ß5 + If you fill in a meaningless registration
code, FileCFG will erase the current config!
+ Added progresswheel, an idea of Jan
+ Added entry in config, if you want to have
a wheel or not, a wheel is a bit slower,
but much more fun!
+ When you have a local logon, the download
time will be displayed on 2400 BPS
+ Fixed a bug in not viewing the last line
+ Added a lot of prompts, these aren't
usefull yet, but it comes ..
+ Removed all those prompts (together with a
tag-file editor), it took to much memory,
while the user alway's later can decide if
he/she REALLY want's to download a file
+ Now a user can UNTAG the file's alway's,
(when he/she is on the current page), first
FileList would write the tag-file as soon
as ESCAPE was pressed, now he writes it
when ENTER/MORE was pushed, you can't see
the files back, because i don't want to
hold the maximum tagged files to a
maximum, and if i used a big number (like
2000) it took :
1) Too much memory then wearth
2) too much speed
+ Now the sysop can define his own speed for
the weel
From the first official release, we went go counting from 1.00
- V1.00
Removed some bugs and released this one ..
- v1.05
It is almost a total rewrite, most of the parts of Filelist are
rewritten, because the code-size was just too big.
Now there is a OVERLAY and a NORMAL version, the overlay version
is a low-memory version of FileList, but in no other way crippled.
The overlay version has now, NO chatter, and NO usereditter to
reduce the memory-use.
Added = ->
Fixed = <>
-> Search for an general expression, a user can search for an
general expression, just specify "/EXP" (without quotes)
on the commandline and a user can search for it, a general
expression is an sort 'WIldcard-searching' but now in
Comment, so if you type 'FILE*ST' you wil get all file's
Etc in theire filename, filesize or description, it is
more an option for the 'more experienced' user.
<> Fixed some bug's in the keyword searching, FileList would
not search in the last 4 line's of the description etc.
<> Fixed a bug into the screenclearing when a user was searching
for something
<> Fixed a bug so everytime you started the config-program and
wanted to edit the color's it SEEMS like the colors were
resetted to zero, fixed.
<> Fixed a MAJOR bug in the Fileviewen that causes on some pc's
the system to lockup, FileList wil now view ANSI/ASCII/AVT etc
file's good.
<> Fixed a bug into the FileConfig program that somes causes the
system to lockup.
-> Added the "/MENU" (without quotes) option, when you do this
FileList wil show a little menu to the user with all options
-> Added the OVERLAY-File, this is a low-memory version of the
normal FileList, you can give a DOS-environment so Filelist
will search for his overlay (FILELIST.OVR) on an another
place / drive (RamDrive), so :
<> Fixed a bug in general expression searcher which causes the
system to lockup when a user presses "/?"
<> Sometimes an user (with ANSI) didn't saw the cursor for tagging
-> Added a little 'Tag-Sign' (») , now a user ALWAYS see where he
is with his cursor
-> Added many language-prompts
-> Added a string, when an user presses 'E'xpand, FileList will display
the guy who uploaded the file (?), when you upload it automaticly
with RAMGR (Or alike program), your sysopname will be placed there
if you want, you can replace it with an own defined.
-> Added the parameter /NOEMS, this forces FileList NOT to use
the EMS for throwing his overlay in..
-> Added the parameter /FORCENEW, this force the user to directly
search for newfile's
-> When a IEMSI-Logon happens, an user requested to search for Newfiles
FileList will directly go to 'ask backdays searcher'...
-> Added the parameter /AREA=xx, with this you can force the user
to look and view in one area, so /AREA=5, FileList will display
direct area number 5
-> Added the parameter /UPDATE, when you specify this with /AREA=xx
then will FileList change the area-number of the user...
ATTENTION!: FileList will *NOT* update the correct groupnumber!!
-> Added an option that the user will directly thrown back to the
BBS when an IEMSI-Logon without 'NewFiles-Flag' happens..
-> Added an option that (if you define) the user will see
continously how much time he has left.
<> Fixed an bug in the 'Wheel', he wouldn't display the backslash ("\")
<> Fixed an bug that causes FileList would totally lockup when you
had 'Comments' in the filebase, now FileList will just ignore them.
<> Fixed an bug that when an user presses ALT-C in the keyword/newfiles
search FileList would give an RuntimeError (Memory problem)
-> Added 'M'enu option in FileList choice-option
<> Fixed an bug that causes a TOTAL ugly scroll of whole the screen and
FileList would totally lockup
<> Fixed an bug that FileList would count the time double when
downloading from FileList
<> Fixed an bug that FileList would disconnect the user on inactivity
without talking to the user and within 30 seconds ;)
<> Now FileList will display correctly the 'Searching area for KeyWord'
before, FileList would display searching for keyword for newfile's,
-> FileList now displays the new 28k8 speed
-> FileList will display now the taglist from down to up ;-)
<> Sometime's FileList would give an error when writing the tagfile
-> When you make an "FMENU" ANSI/AVT/ASCII file, FileList will display
that instead of the general hardcoded code
-> When an user presses "/?" in General Expression, FileList will try
to display the help-file FMNUHLP
<> In the Menu filelist would take all key's one up/down
<> FileList now reads the config-file with the EXACT-Same name as defined
in RACONFIG, previously FileList would take the name, but when somebody
had an name like "Nederlands is een mooie taal", FileList would give
an terriffic runtime error ;-( because there where spaces in the
<> Now FileList will convert all COLOR-ControlCode's to ANSI's, before
this, FileList would 'forget' something's ;-)
-> FileList now will nag more about registering ...;)
-> Filelist now will display again more in the log-file
<> Changed the whole keyssytem!
-> Added the 'D'ownload option into the /MENU-Option
-> Added the 'U'pload option into the /MENU-Option
-> Added paramater "/NODOWN" to force no download-option wil be available
-> Added option in FileCFG for changing download or no download for user
-> The RA-Control-code's are now supported
-> Changed the WHOLE structure's of the <Language>.CFG, this
makes FileList a whole lot quicker in reading the file, BUT
lost his updating on the way ;-(
<> Fixed some bug's that there was standing "Y" in the FileCFG
but it was really a "N"
<> Sometime's people had problems with the length of the directory
where to put FileDoor etc, fixed
-> FileList now supports up to 200 (!) language's instead of 50
<> Fixed an bug in FileCFG that causes the selectbar (language-editor)
to disapear in the nowhere, fixed
<> Fixed an bug when pressing <Esc> in the FileCFG,
FileCFG will 'remember' on which menu-option he was, and return
to that when needed
-> There are now more than 99 (!!) language-text's in FileList!
<> Fixed an bug in the menu when somebody presses "?" he saw an
filelisting etc
<> Fixed an bug that causes FileCFG not to remember the right
password ..;-)
<> When you use in the 'enter keyword' etc please be carefull
with the color-control-code's used in FileList because
FileList would take that SPACE either to determine how much
characters an user can press, so i recommend to use no code's
for those text's
<> FileList now will search faster for newfile's
-> FileList will tell you now if he has gone out of the newfile's
scan because of the IEMSI-Session
-> If the NodeNumber specified in RA is zero (0) FileList now change
it to one (1) because of the tag-file
<> FileList now calls the wheel (searching area's) only one a file,
before FileList would call the wheel every LINE he displayed
<> Fixed an bug when listing an area, and an user uses the menu
FileList would display the first file on the lastline and give
as 'i'nfo '18 files' etc
<> Fixed an bug in the viewing system that causes when an user pressed
the 'S'top, FileList would just display the rest of the file ...
<> Split up 'General' into 'General' and 'Archivers', short of space
on screen!
-> FileList now LOCKS the filebase!!, so it is finally 100% multiline!
-> FINALLY! Together with the release of RemoteAccess 2.02, it came
possible to USE the tagfile of ra, so you can use the internal
download function's from RA, this is ONLY possible with RA 2.02
and need the *X on the commandline
<> Fixes some bugs when updating the filesize
<> Fixed a bug in the fileviewer that causes some garbage on the screen
ipv an more prompt
-> When you specify NOT to create an DISP-Tagfile, FileList will not give
any more the choices 'U'pload and 'D'ownload in the 'statusline', but
in the MENU you must do this yourself.
-> FileList will now not update the filesize any more while search trough
area's, this function would slowdown the whole thing too much!
<> FileList now takes MUCH less memory than before
-> FileList will display the memoryfree from now in kbyte's
-> FileList will disable CHAT and USEREDIT when it is an OVR-Version
-> Added ALT-R, Changed ALT-O to ALT-P etc... much changed so..
-> FileList now uses more settings of FILES.RA (FileArea's listing)
<> FileList would "forget" to erase the VIEW-Tmp file...;(
<> FileList sometimes would give an runtime error when searching
for some keyword's.
-> When an file is new from last logon, FileList now places an
mark (self definable) before the description.
-> From now on, FileList will ask an password, when defined, for
viewing, tagging and expanding file's.
<> FileList finally looks at the settings set in RAMgr if notlisted
-> I totally changed the default settings in FileCFG, I thinks
it looks much better now, but You?
-> The config file of FileList has been less diskfull.
-> FileCFG has now the option to reset the colors to MONOCHROME-Defaults
and COLOR-Defaults, COLOR-Defaults are not yet implemented, ...!
-> FileList now can make the color of an filename, different then the
default, when the tagcursor is before it, so you can tag like you
see in (other?) "famous" taggers..
-> FileList now will react, when defined, on the control-keys on your
Supported are :
- PageUp / Pagedown, Almost not supported by any terminal..
- Home / End Supported by most terminal
- CursorUp / Cursordown Supported by *ANY* -ANSI- terminal
I hope you enjoy it..;)
-> When you specify on the commandline of FileCFG a parameter (directory)
FileCFG will think he must find there his RA-Config file's en will
not look anymore to the one's of the RA-Environment.
-> FileCFG is TOTALLY (!!) changed, it looks RA-Alike now, so I think
it is more user-friendlyer.
-> Added the switch so you can disable the 'FileList initializing' option
-> Added the switch in FileCFG so FileList will display by default an
empty/none statusline
-> Added FINALLY good support for AVATAR, when FileList must clear the
window (For keyword etc), and an user has AVATAR, FileList will clear
the window very, very fast .. I hope all terminals support those code's!
<> Fixed bug for displaying the statusline incorrectly
<> Fixed an bug the tagfile would be written in the wrong directory for
multiline systems
-> FileList now uses an totally new routine for reading the filebase,
the advantages are :
- Much faster, especially when searching for keyword etc
- The 65534-bytes filelimit isn't there anymore.
-> From now on FileList uses other color-code's, IPV the » (ALT-175)
FileList now uses the 'RADU'-ones, "`" so, `A12: changes the
screen attribute to color #12.
Also more codes are supported :
`X1: - X-CoOrdinate 1
`Y1: - Y-CoOrdinate 1
`C: - Center an line of text
`G1,1: - Fast replacement for `x1: & `Y1:
`D179,32: - This repeats de character nr 179 (│) 32 times
`F1: - Changes foreground color to 1 (blue)
`B1: - Changes background color to 1 (blue)
`H: - High intesivity color
`L: - Low intesivity color
Enjoy! :)
<> Fixed an little buggie in the tagsystem
-> WOUW!!!!!!!!!! FileList supports *FINALLY* more than 8 line's
description, is supports now up to 20 (!) line's of description.
This is for keyword, newfiles and generalexpression search.
20 Line's is the maximum of input line's in RAMgr, so i will not
make anymore..
<> Got very much troubles implementing the new description-write routine,
especially the scrolling-routine's were very difficult, but I think
I finally succeeded..
-> From now on, FileList will use more of the settings in RAConfig
<> Oops, in the conversion from the old to the new setup program
i forgot to took also the PassWord in it :(
From now on, FileList looks that password again, ... euh, if the
password filed in isn't correct, FileCFG will terminate and play
the "famous larry-song" :)
-> I Made an option to insert the password from RAConfig/RAMgr
-> I made an option to create an FLSEARCH.CTL ... (WOW!) :)
<> When you specify /FORCENEW together with /NEW, FileList will no
longer check for IEMSI-flag's
<> Fixed an bug in reading the LIMITS-File..
<> Fixed an bug that FileList would display always an area, even when
the security level didn't allowed it...fixed
<> FileList now will display (in keyword searching etc) the files, but
when you try [enter] (on tag/view/expand etc) you are not able to
see/tag them (When your download-security doesn't allow it!)..
<> It is now possible to import an other cfg to this one ...!
-> Added "Allow-Settings" in FileCFG (And FileList offcourse), this
function can allow/dis-allow functions that the user can choose,
*ATTENTION* : You must yourself make the text empty!!
-> Added "Comments", FileList now also display's comment... (WOUW!) :)
-> On "Comments" there will be NO word-wrapping ...
<> FileList would restore the "Comment-Window" even when he was on
the end of the FileListing, fixed!
<> Fixed an bug in the BackScroll ... (That one is really giving me troubles!)
-> Updated CompSys to version 1.2, This is the compression toolkit
i use for viewing archivers, This version adds RAR-Support,
Thanks Gerhard...
-> FileList now supports a-lot of archivers :
│ Compressor │ Recognised │ SelfExtr. │ Sec. Env. │ FileExtra field │
│ ARJ │ Yes │ Yes │ Yes │ │
│ Pkzip/Pkunzip │ Yes │ Yes │ Yes │ │
│ Squeeze │ Yes │ Yes │ Yes │ Volume Label │
│ HYPER │ Yes │ n/a │ n/a │ │
│ DWC │ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ │
│ ZOO │ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ Deleted files │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ ARC │ Yes │ No? │ n/a │ │
│ ARC7 │ Yes │ No? │ n/a │ │
│ PAK │ Yes │ Yes │ No │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ LHarc │ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ │
│ LHA │ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ │
│ LA │ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ │
│ ICE (1)│ Yes │ Yes │ n/a │ │
│ RAR │ Yes │ Yes │ Yes │ Locked, Authenticity │
│ │ │ │ │ info, Solid │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ SIT (2)│ Yes │ n/a │ n/a │ MacBin info │
│1) As ICE was a hack of LHarc I guess the LHarc code can handle │
│ these files too.. │
│2) MacIntosch StuffIt format │
-> Added "J"ump to FileList
<> Fixed an major bug in the NewFiles scanning, he would only check
the half of all files :-)
-> Reduced memory use again... It uses now MUCH LESS memory than before!
-> When the FrameColor is zero (0) FileList will not display the frame
<> In the EXPAND-Function, I was forgotten a -lot of color-possibilities,
now all strings are configurable again, also fixed some bugs in the
taglist when it doesn't exist with FileDoor..
-> When an user (or you :) try to display an :
- EXE ( No Compressed EXE offcourse!!)
FileList will not view these file's with the message that you cannot
view these files, FileList will recognize these files on signature,
not on extension!
<> When an user quitted in the Menu-Option, FileList would not write an
tagfile, Fixed (Thanks Dirk!)
<> Filelist wouldn't support the cursors key anymore, Fixed!
-> Added the Unpack-Support for RAR.. <grin>
-> FileList now makes an sub-dir called $LIST$<NodeNr> ie. $LIST$1 and
he will unpack all the files in that directory, please WARN,
FileList will clear the directory upon initializing and when the
viewing is done, so if you has put your complete RA-Directory
in that, Bad Luck :)
-> Expanded the view-option *A-LOT* it is now possible to create your
own archive with files selected from an bbs-archive.
-> From now on FileCFG will automaticly update the new config..
-> Fixed an beauty bug in the time-left viweing..
-> Added hotkeys to the menu's in FileCFG
-> Fixed an bug in the MENU-function that causes the BBS to clear
the data, so the level would be setted to 0 (zero)
<> Fixed an beauty bug in redrawing the frame
<> Fixed an bug in the frame of expand..
<> Fixed an bug in Expand (FileDate) would overwrite the frame
<> FileList would give an runtime error on viewing EXE-file's ...
-> In the download-time-expand, FileList now displays 64000 Bps
instead of 1275
-> Replaced some code so he is more 2400 Bps friendly
-> You can define so-called ALWAYS-NEW file's, these file's are
always marked as new (ie. ALLFILES.ARJ)
-> From now on you can define if FileList must show the comments
on an newfiles/keyword/expression search, for all the 3
searches you can define it indepenently
-> You can FileList let center the file-name and/or the description
-> FileList will give an ClearScreen when the frame-number =0
-> FileList now trys to load the overlay-file from UMB (if there's
no XMS/EMS available! in that order of performance!)
-> FileList now uses by default an bigger buffer for the overlay file!,
so this is much (?) faster now..
-> Changed the layout of the help-screen
-> I'm rewriting the doc-file, the current doc, is still for the old
configuration program... ARGh! I Hate writing docs...!
-> Fixed an bug, when the level wasn't supported in LIMITS.RA, FileList
would use the by default the settings for the highest level, Fixed!
-> Fixed an bug in FileCFG to "remember" the colors
-> Fixed an little bug in the 0-bytes file (Thanks Leon!)
-> Fixed an bug in the no-frame clearing colors ...
-> The viewer wouldn't unpack the file's, fixed
-> From now on, FileList will handle the High-Ascii descriptions and so
correctly, (that FILE_ID.DIZ's of fake keygenerator's etc), First
Filelist would add an space in the beginning, and trim the rest of
the spaces, Fixed!
Also empty lines between descriptions would be deleted, all of that
is fixed, please note that FileList DOESN'T accept empty lines
at the end and just will erase those..
-> FileList now checks for access flags before listing an area..
-> Added some more support for the mouse in FileCFG
-> Added an memory swapper to FileCFG, it will swap to XMS/EMS/DISK,
so the "dos Shell" function works again..
-> Updated the tagger/viewer/expander with the flag-settings
-> Oops, when you filled in an external viewer, FileList just wouldn't
execute it, but use the internal instead.., fixed
-> Added "Add-Text" option, you can specify 19 keywords wich represents
all the options in your filebase, you can view everything ...
-> When you press [ENTER] on the search days back, FileList search from
the last day back..
-> FileList would just leave @DOWNTIME@ for what is was :)
-> Fixed some bugs in the comments in FileCFG
-> Fixed an bug in the language editor (Thnx Leon)
-> Added an filesize check in FileList (Thnx leon (again) )
-> The color-reset option does work now, Thanks to Leon Schuurbiers
for selecting the colors!
-> Added an menu where you can pick colors-charts, 3 are available :
Maarten 2
If you have nice colors defined, upload the configfile, and i will
import the settings..
-> Forget to update the filesize ;), Fixed...
-> Oops, when you updated the filesize, your total filebase would be
messed up!!, Fixed
-> Fixed some small problems in the description ... (...)
-> Fixed some filemodes, so the network problem must be fixed now (i hope)
-> From now on you can always tag/untag file's, and tagged files will be
seen back, please note that the speed of the checking will depend on
the size of the tagfile.., Thanks to Leon Schuurbiers for supplying
the VERY fast asm routine's to do this..
-> Speeded up the search routine's a littlebit.
-> I wrote a own FileSystem (filebase)... But it took toooo much diskspace,
so (thanks to nagging of Leon ..;), i returned to FDB (Filedatabase)
of RA..
-> Hmm, The KeyWord search was still TOOO slow, i rewrote the code, on my
pc it took :
FileList : 1.10 Sec.
Ra : 0.56 Sec.
Almost no difference (grin), but FileList can search for up to 5
keywords at a time, so that makes up for it :-)
-> When you (the user) presses [ENTER] on the "Search days back: "-questions,
FileList is ALOT faster now than when you (the user) define yourself
a date, this is because i don't need difficult calculations anymore.
-> Fixed an bug in the >2000 year... (newfiles)
-> Maded the first things to let FileList look just like IE. RA's lister,
when this is succeeded (en when it does), there will be an option in
FileCFG to set it on / off..
-> Improved the locking system, FileList now tries to lock the base 20
times, when it doesn't succeed it exits..
-> Just finished the scrolling functions, it took me about 3 hours, FileList
just acts like RA when Scrolling is set to Yes, this is now by default set
to this, you must define the wrap-length, the maximum is 51, when you want
the frame from FileList still, you must set this to the maximum (51) ..
-> Fixed some bugs in the "old"-lister, FileList would build the screen from
the second frame -line, ipv the first, Fixed
-> FileList would lay the view stuff over the screen, Fixed...
-> Fixed a beauty bug when there was an empty line as comment ...
-> Designed my own statusbar system, because the "new"-lister, uses 22 lines,
and scrolls, so that's just needed, all necessary information is being
displayed, if you need something else, just tell ....
-> Fixed a bug in FileCFG, it would immediatly exit after the first keypress,
-> Changed the building of the screen with the scroller..
-> Fixed some problems when upping/downing the time and displaying files
at the same time..
-> Changed the .CFG-extension to a .LST extension
<> Fixed some bugs in the tag-system that causes to display filenames
on the wrong places..
-> Changed the statusbar things, :
- When the user has got 25 lines or more, you will have NO
- When the user has got 24 lines, you will have a one-line
- When the user has got less than 24 lines, you will have the
ra alike kind of statusbar
-> Updated the "Change security" and "paging hours" -thing to be
compatible with the new statusbar thing...;=)
-> From now it's unable to change the user's screenlength, because
when you change it, the tagsystem gets confused...:-(
-> The string (in FileCFG) "You can find this in area no. 49" is
replaced by "You can find this in area no. @areano@" this
"@areano@" will be replaced by the area number .....
-> Fixed a small bug in the description viewer that causes for the user
to miss the next description line after the key-check ...
-> ** PLEASE ** be sure that your hotkeys on the last 2 lines are NOT
more and NOT less than 2 lines!!
-> Added the so-called pause-key's, when you press the "P" or "p"
while FileList is displaying the file's, ... FileList will pause
the list..
-> Made some adjustments to the unpacker/compressor, RAR is not capable
of expanding archive's to a specified directory <snik> ;-)
-> I changed some standard things in getting the fileinformation, that
causes to make me later some changes to make the program also other
program compatible (ProBoard, FILES.BBS-systems etc..)
-> Fixed some small bugs in the building of the screen ...
-> Expanded the descriptionlines-maximum to 40...
-> The keygenerator now generates a nice ansi together with your
registration key ;-)
-> Fixed some beauty bugs..
-> The statusline wasn't removed from within a dos-shell, fixed..
-> Changed version number from 1.09ß16 to 1.99ß02, because of the
major changes in the layout and the things..
-> Changed the scroll-display to the one RA uses, hope it works a
little great ... (-:
-> It costed me 4 hours of work, but the word-wrapping system in FileList
is completely rewritten, before it made of a description like :
"FileList v2.00, (c)1994 by Maarten Bekers" something like
"FileList v2.00, (c)1994 by"
Now it is:
"FileList v2.00, (c)1994 by"
"Maarten Bekers"
-> Hmm... Updated all (C)'s, to 1993,1994,1995 ;-)
-> Changed the name "FileList" to "FileMark", because the "FileList" name
gave SysOp's the idea that FileList is an Allfiles generator and it
isn't, (i'm working on that part ..;=)
-> Erased some old code in the cfg-file, the CFG-file is somewhat smaller,
but it isn't compatible anymore with previous versions, please re-install
FileMark ..;-=)
-> Changed the .LST-extension (.list) to the .MRK -extension (.mark)
-> FileMark also gives the oppurtunity (?) to view the download-time,
use the macro @DT for this.
-> FileMark has extended the "List Format" again, you can use :
%<macro> - lowcase (%NE) (RA)
^<macro> - UPCASE (^NE) (RA)
&<macro> - "Proper"-Case (&NE) (FileMark!)
-> Please note that Filemark doesn't use the difference between between
@DF and @DU .. ("Formatted" and "Unformatted")
When it's OK, FileMark display all the descriptions neatly ...
-> I noticed that the new description can give some problems, when you
see that your description's are messed up, please check your
wrap-length (general -> sysop-settings), myself i use these settings :
^K[0E@NE ^K[0A@FD ^K[0F@SK^K[01k^K[0F ^K[01#2^K[0D[@TD^K[01]^K[0F^K[0C@NW^K[07@DU
Splitted this is :
^K[0E -> Color Code
@NE -> FileName + extension
^K[0A -> Color Code
@FD -> Filedate
^K[0F -> Color Code
@SK -> Filesize in kbytes
^K[01 -> Color Code
k -> The "k" character
^K[0F -> Color Code
<space> -> display a space
^K[01 -> Color Code
#2 -> make the download-counters 2 characters long
^K[0D -> Color Code
[ -> "open" bracket
@TD -> Color Code
<space> -> space character
^K[01 -> Color Code
] -> "close" bracket
^K[0F -> Color Code
<space> -> space character
^K[0C -> Color Code
@NW -> * when new, space when not
^K[07 -> Color Code
<space> -> space character
@DU -> description
For this line i use wrap-length : 45
-> Dropped support for FileDoor, because FileDoor is now capable of
reading ra's tagfile, you can start FileDoor from within the
FileMenu ...
-> Added the macro "@TM", tagmark, the tagmark when selected, else
a space
-> Fixed a small bug that causes the internal viewer to ask 2 times
for a key when he wasn't able to unpack the file ...
-> Please note that files that are password protected cannot be viewed-in-
viewed because FileMark can't unpack them ...
-> Fixed all the problems with the lastpage system, maybe the lastpage
function gives 1 1/2 pages, but i can't fix that because of
some other things...
-> I'm currently trying to implement a method to have buffered read, this
is (when it succeeds) going to be MUCH quicker than the current version
-> I implemented the new buffered routine, these are the 1st test results :
Searched on keyword TEST 1
Old, non-buffered routine : 59 seconds
New, buffered routine : 37 seconds
RA : 27 seconds
Files Found : 0
The results of the 2nd test :
Searched on keyword TEST 2
Old, non-buffered routine : 60 seconds
New, buffered routine : 40 seconds
RA : 29 seconds
Files found : 1 (LABTEST 2.0)
-> Fixed some problems in FileMark with the backscrolling stuff..;-)
-> Fixed some problems with the new statusbar system, hope it's all
fixed now..
-> Fixed some problems in the new keyword-search routine
-> Fixed some tag-problems when there was a search the "Searching in <BBS>"
was also counted as file, which resulted in messed up screens, fixed.
-> Files/Bytes found was only logged when the search wasn't aborted, fixed
-> FileCFG now displays an {+} in the down-left-corner when FileMark is
registered, please not that this is only displayed after you RESTARTED
-> Fixed some problems in the newfiles searcher...
-> Dropped support for "FileList"
-> Removed the "Menu" option, it was ment for starting FileDoor, and because
i don't support FileDoor anymore, i dropped this also..
-> Fixed bug when jumping to a non existing area, Thanks Terry
-> Dropped mouse support in FileCFG, most people complaind because they
saw a "block" ipv a mouse cursor ;-))
-> Replaced standard "Hrs" (Expand) to "Mns" (Terry v. Erp)
-> Added an color selector, just press F1 before picking a prompt to edit,
F1 doesn't work while editting, this is NOT a bug ...
-> The keyword found will now be highlighted in the description, (Jan)
-> Fixed an bug when the user's level wasn't in the LIMITS.RA, FileMark
wouldn't display the correct screen-length, fixed
-> FileMark would hang when you entered "KEY" als keyword (or KEYW), fixed
-> FileMark would totally crash when there was a "#" in a descriptionline,
fixed due intensive testing of Jan Ambachtsheer, Thanks Jan
-> FileMark wouldn't display the newfiles, fixed ;-)
-> Added the "S" for aborting a search ... (Jan)
<> I'm currently building in a help function in FileCFG, so please wait just
a little longer :-))
-> Changed the colors of FileCFG ;)
-> Now FileCFG also supports "F1" while you're editting, when you then
press F1, FileCFG will add the `A and color, so if you pick BLUE,
FileCFG automaticly will add `A1:
-> FileMark would add the total (+path) to the taglist, fixed
-> Removed the function "create flsearch"
-> Completed the help-file, this is a plain ASCII-File, when you want
you can make an ascii-file just like this in your own language, if
you upload it to me, i will certainly spread it together with FileMark
-> Fixed some filemode's (Thanks to Marc van leeuwen for his help)
-> Improved the locking system, it finally works now :-)))
-> Fixed some problems in the description-color and filename color..
-> Removed the maximum of "51" for wrap-description
-> The standard help screens aren't given anymore, they aren't used..
-> The colors of FileCFG are totally changed..
-> Ok, on many requests, FileMark now will check if there's enough
time left for downloading that file, if there's enough kbyte-limit
left, AND if there's enough credit left, please note that FileMark
DOESN'T check for the file's already tagged, so you can tag 500
file's of 500 kbyte with 500kbyte limit, FileMark doesn't know
that, the 'Ratio' part isn't finished yet..
-> Please note you can also use the "`A<attr>:"-function in
RAConfig -> FILE -> ListFormat
-> Removed the 'tag-all' option
-> Please note that you can specify an optional language-text on the
commandline of HLPCOMP, ie : HLPCOMP DUTCH.TXT
-> From now on, FileMark DOES keep track of the kbytes allready tagged...
-> Fixed a small cosmetic bug in FileCFG
-> FileMark will from now on check (with releases) if the file has been
-> In the a search-process (sounds official, doesn't it? ;-), the user
can press "n" for "N"ext area, so FileMark isn't searching for "FILEMARK"
in a gif area or so ;-))
-> We support RATIO ... <grin>
-> When the user now use "A"dd, FileMark will continue in that procedure,
until <Esc> is pushed (wow!) ..;-) (jan suggested)
-> When you pressed <Esc> on the "J"ump function, FileMark wouldn't restore
the option-line, Fixed..
-> The statusline was removed when there was 1 minute downwarded, fixed
-> When you press "S" or <Esc>ape, FileMark will also abort and quit to
the BBS
-> Finished the ENGLISH.TXT file, this is the english textfile